Sunday, October 31, 2021

Shakeout day

 Shakeout day

Today in our lovely class, Te Maunga, we did a very important test and that test was part of some amazing survival tips that will teach us all of the best ways to survive in a natural disaster. This time we learnt about surviving in an earthquake and if you don’t know I can tell you what to do right now. When an earthquake occurs the best thing to do is to take cover under a sturdy table or chair, use one hand to cover your head and the other to hold onto the leg of whatever you're hiding under, if you are outside then just do the same thing.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Amazing Olympic slides

 Olympic slides

Last term in our beautiful class, Te Maunga we (when I write we I mean my class and I) finished a literacy the teachers called, (drum roll please) Olympic Slides! This is a little bit of what happened: we had learnt all about the Olympics, for example we learnt where the Olympics were first made (they were first made in Ancient Greece) and how it might have improved over the years, we also learnt about some old Olympics legends and we compared the Ancient Olympics to the Modern Olympics. My favourite part was writing the last few words and doing the last little edits knowing that my work will all be done. Thank you for your time, see you soon!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The last day of term 3


The last day of term 3

On the last day of term 3 we (everyone in my school that day) had a big sports day, I barely remember anything about it though (I have a terrible memory). We played sports like soccer with a ginormous yoga ball and sports like darts. I learnt that playing soccer with that kind of ball is legal and that running around can be fun at times. One thing I liked doing was taking a break (I am not an energetic person who likes running). I think that was the best part. Overall it was really fun!